Saturday, November 3, 2018

Quickly Change Uppercase, Lowercase, and Title Case

Uppercase is when all of the letters in a word are capitalized, lowercase is when all of the letters in a word are not capitalized, and title case is when only the first letter of every word is capitalized. These three options are available to scroll through as a keyboard shortcut by pressing SHIFT+F3. If a Word user is typing a document and erroneously types a word in the wrong case he or she could simply press SHIFT+F3 immediately after typing the word to toggle through the three different case options. If users are past the words that they want to change the case of, then they can highlight the words to change with the mouse and then press SHIFT+F3 until the words are in the case that they desire.

In the example, the words "Treasure Island" are changed using this method.

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